children like puppet
Puppets have many careers. They are doctors, teachers, advertisers, entertainers, and friends. Puppets are fun. They are fun for the performer and for the audience. This makes them a great tool. Therapists use them, comedians use them, teachers usethem, and even advertisers use them. Though most puppeteers target children, puppets are sometimes used to teach and entertain adults. They work. Both children and adults are drawn to a puppet show.
Puppet play is a great way for children to verbalize their feelings and to practice performing in front of an audience. Children who have difficulty expressing themselves can often immerse themselves into the character of the puppet and verbalize feelings that they might otherwise have difficulty expressing when using puppets during dramatic play.
By the time the child enters school, the puppets can be part of a much more complex world of make believe. They can write scripts and stories that their puppets can act out, or they can do their own rendition of a play that they have seen . It is an excellent tool for reluctant readers - encourage them to read books by baiting them with the opportunity to stage it on their puppet theater.